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The balance between

Products that truly work


Honest Ingredients

Whether harvested or sourced from another careful set of hands- the journey from ingredient gathering to your hands is pure and simple.

Meet the Mascot

Sol Dog

This business is named after - Sol

Yes, Sol Dog got his name after I fostered and adopted him from a rescue organization in Tumalo, Oregon. Some called him Red Dog until he found his way to my side. One look and his bright energy was enough to form a furever bond and immediate friendship. He is a gentle reminder of the importance to care for ourselves and others everyday - savoring the simple things like clean food and water. Enjoying the quiet relaxing things like sleep and listening to nature. He is a great reminder to often recharge with the warm nourishment of the sun( El Sol)

Pruning and helping flowers grow

Moving compost to feed the gardens

Weeding and cleaning around herbs and medicinal plants to allow them to breathe