Gentle and Nourishing

Birth & Postpartum Doula

Ensuring you are seen, heard and honored. Offering advocacy, and evidence based information, for you to receive attentive companionship during your pregnancy, birth, and beyond. 

"The care received during childbirth is the care remembered for the rest of time."-Penny Simkin

Doulas engage active listening skills to ensure good memories for expectant parents. Your story matters and a Doula helps you write that story gracefully.  Birth Doulas are ready to be by your side during labor, providing comfort measures and techniques to engage your confidence in your ability to birth as beautifully as you desire.

Offering Positive Support for Families.

Providing Postpartum Care for Clients.

Being NEAR-

Nurturing, Educating, Assessing and Referring. 

Meeting PIE needs-

Practical, Informative and Emotional.

Doula Services


This is general pricing information. A formal contract will be agreed upon before services begin to ensure all expectations and needs are covered and met.
Nourishing Birth Package


  • Birth Doula Services Provide

  • At least one Prenatal Visit.

  • Labor and Birth.

  • At least one Postpartum Visit.

  • I show up with pride and purpose to offer you overall relief during your birth journey. I understand the physical and hormonal physiology changes that your body is experiencing and can provide evidence based information to help you feel educated and empowered. I advocate for you during moments of fatigue, stress or confusion in medical facilities or around family members. I offer comfort measures and non judgmental support. I set high standards for the level of care you are deserving of during your birth journey. As a DONA International trained, and Certified as a Holistic Doula.

The role of the Birth Doula (Position Paper)
Postpartum 2 Weeks Package


  • Scheduled visits over two weeks after birth designed around your needs to help during this transitional time. Imagine the relief from assistance with newborn care, including evidence based information on infant feeding. Preparing your home to nurture and protect everyone within. Non-judgmental companionship and appropriate referrals when necessary. 

  • My super skills include helping with nourishing meal preparation and handling light household tasks. Another supportive element I offer is looking out for siblings of the newborn as well as pets or animals that are adjusting to changes at home.

The role of the Postpartum Doula (Position Paper)
Postpartum Extended Package

$30 hourly

  • Postpartum Doula Services Extending past the first 2 weeks, typically up to 6 weeks. I am here to acknowledge you, encourage you, and offer much deserved praise as you adjust into the fourth trimester.

  • Nurturing you and encouraging recovery.

  • Meal preparations can be adjusted to follow dietary restrictions/allergies or additional recovery benefits.

  • Additional referrals can be gathered for you including Physical Therapy, Nutritionist/Dietetics, Counselling/ Mental Health Therapy.

Factors that influence postpartum recovery (PDF)
Please help me in getting to know you

Intake form

Every client is unique and beautiful but I would never share anything without your permission. All your information is confidential.
Name Where are you located?
Birth Doula Package
Postpartum Doula 2 weeks
Hourly Postpartum Care
When is your Due Date? E-mail Phone Number Is this your first birth? Do you have a primary attendant chosen for your birth? Where are you planning to give birth? Are you taking / will you be taking prenatal classes?
What is your learning style?
Reading materials (PDF, Books, etc.)
Visual materials (Visual info graphs, You tube videos etc.)
Audio materials (Podcasts, eBooks etc.)
Are you interested in discussing Medical Insurance coverage options? Questions or Comments Submit

Resources are personally curated and often adapted to offer new information as well as meet the specific needs and location of each family. A few reputable links below for you to browse on your own.