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Kristie growing and making your herbal wellness products.

More information about each product is found through the online store on the homepage. Click on any item for sale to learn more. A link to my Instagram page is located at the top and bottom of the page and offers photos of enlightenment while growing and crafting as well as visiting the farmer's markets with my finished products.

Thank you for taking interest and enjoying the benefits of nourishing yourself with my hand crafted products! My journey is still developing and my professions are becoming more about embracing my passions. I have a background and educational training in Culinary Nutrition & Hospitality Management. I further developed interests in understanding the connections between Traditional Chinese Medicine and our therapeutic care tactics today. I have always been passionate about the synergies of nature and biological ecosystems around us at all times. I have dedicated time, research, and travel experiences to observing and documenting symbiotic relationships as well as sustainable farm practices and agricultural alliances around the globe. I am fascinated by the human approach to preserving nature and our integrity to live healthier. What a blessing it is to support one another while watching ourselves grow and adapt too. I enjoy carrying and sharing what I hold sacred and that is self nourishment. I am proud to release a collection of everyday wellness items that can be carried with you wherever you go too. May you be nourished!